A Youth’s Perspective on the Youth Vaping Epidemic

Contact: Kelly Dremann
Tobacco Cessation Coordinator
330-674-5035 ext. 224

Millersburg, OH – Vaping has become a huge issue amongst young children. Not only vaping, but substance abuse in general. I've noticed its rise in popularity here within the past 2 1⁄2 years. It seems to me that the new flavors and designs have started to reel teenagers in. Vaping used to be less common than cigarettes. I remember my friend's parents tried to stop smoking, so they started vaping. I always viewed it as an adult thing, and never would have thought that a kid would be doing it. That is until one day I saw a group of girls passing around this black device. They asked me if I wanted to try it, I said no and got out of there as quickly as I could. I didn't realize how much of an issue this was going to become.

The device was black and plain looking. It was skinny and it was not visually pleasing. Now the nicotine that was inside, was very pleasing to those young girls. Since then, things have taken a turn. We now have these vapes called “elf bars,” “Breeze,” and “Taste fog.” They are super colorful and big as well. The color appeals to the younger generations of people. They are targeting kids without flat out saying it. The companies know this too, but nobody will do anything about it because money is everything. It's pretty sickening that this is what we've come to. And although all substance abuse is a big issue in the younger generation, vaping is probably the most common.

It is my hope that someday there can be a solution to this issue. If kids can surround themselves with positive people and things to do, they may not be as tempted to try it.

Submitted by a concerned Holmes County Youth