Complex Medical Help (CMH)

Formerly Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps

Complex Medical Help

Complex Medical Help (CMH) is a program that links families of children with special healthcare needs to medical providers and helps families pay for the medical care their children need. CMH may cover costs that are not covered by insurance or Medicaid. Families can receive services to rule out or diagnosis a medical condition, help establish a plan of treatment, and to treat an already diagnosed medical condition. Services may include: tests, x-rays, lab work, physician visits, hospital stays, prescriptions, medical equipment and supplies, and public health nurse services. 

How can CMH Hep?

    Diagnostic Program

    • Children can receive services for up to 6 months to rule out or diagnose a special health care need or establish a plan of treatment. No income eligibility requirements.
      1. Be under the age of 21
      2. Be a resident of Ohio
      3. Be under the care of a CMH-approved physician
      4. Have a suspected special health care need.

    The Treatment Program

    • Children can receive services for 1 year for treatment of an eligible condition, renewable annually if both medical and financial eligibility are maintained. Applicant must:
      1. Be under the age of 25 (as of July 1, 2024)
      2. Be a resident of Ohio
      3. Be under the care of a CMH-approved physician
      4. Have an eligible medical handicap
      5. The family must be financially eligible

    The Service Coordination Program

    • The service coordination program helps parents locate and coordinate the services their child may need.  This program does not pay for medical services.  Services are authorized for one year.  If eligibility is maintained, service coordination may be renewed yearly until the child reaches the age of 21. There are no financial eligibility criteria.

Questions? Please contact the Holmes County General Health District CMH nurse at (330) 674-5035 x244

Links & Downloadable Resources

2600 Glen Drive, Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5035
Fax: (330) 674-2528
Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM