Sight for Students Program


The Holmes County General Health District has partnered with Prevent Blindness Ohio to be able to assist children who are 18 years of age and younger who may need an eye exam and glasses at no cost to you.  You will need to complete an application and submit it to the Health District, and we will forward the information to Prevent Blindness Ohio.  Any applications that are mailed directly to Prevent Blindness Ohio will be thrown out and not processed.

This program is not a government program, and is funded by individual donors and foundations who would like to help uninsured children get their eyes examined.  This program is income based, and income information is needed from all of those in the family who work.

Operating through a network of community partners who identify children in need, more than 729,000 children in the U.S. have received free eye exams and glasses using VSP gift certificates.


  • Must be 18 years of age or younger
  • Family income at or under 200% of Federal Poverty Level
  • Cannot have any kind of vision insurance
  • Haven't received a gift certificate through a VSP program within the last year.



The Holmes County General Health District has partnered with Prevent Blindness Ohio to be able to assist adults who are 19 years of age or older who may need an eye exam and glasses at no cost to you.  You will need to complete an application and submit it to the Health District, and we will forward the information to Prevent Blindness Ohio.   Any applications that are mailed directly to Prevent Blindness Ohio will be thrown out and not processed.

This program is not a government program, and is funded by individual donors and foundations who would like to help uninsured adults get their eyes examined.  This program is income based, and income information is needed from all of those in the family who work.


For more information for either program,  or for an application, please contact Jen Menuez at 330-674-5035, extension 221 or

Links & Downloadable Resources

2600 Glen Drive, Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5035
Fax: (330) 674-2528
Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM