Breastfeeding Resource Center

The Holmes County

Breastfeeding Resource Center

The Breastfeeding Resource Center is available to provide education, counseling, and support to pregnant and breastfeeding families. The Breastfeeding Resource Center has a variety of breastfeeding supplies at affordable rates.

Breastfeeding is recommended through at least the first year of an infant's life with the addition of age appropriate solid foods after 6 months of age. Breastfeeding provides the child and mother with many health benefits while breastfeeding and long afterwards. Breastfeeding also helps to strengthen the family bond. Many concerns that a family has about breastfeeding can be solved and allow mom and her child to continue breastfeeding.

Who is eligible for these services and what resources are available? These services and resources are available to all pregnant and breastfeeding families within Holmes County. There are many resources available for these families: Breast pumps, including manual, double electric, pedal, and hospital grade rentals. Other resources include breast milk storage bags, comfort gel pads, nipple shields, breast shells, reusable cotton nursing pads, lanolin cream, supplemental nursing systems, pump kits and parts, and car lighter adapters for breast pumps.

Breast Pump Rentals, Sales & Supplies:

Holmes County WIC: (330) 674-8455
Betsy Studer, Massillon: (330) 837-0220

Breastfeeding Education Resources

Breastfeeding is one of the most important things you can do for you and your baby however, it may not always come naturally and you may have questions. Please get help if you are having trouble or have concerns about how breastfeeding is going. We offer infant feeding classes as well as one on one consultations to help you through this challenging time. Please call the Peer Helper at the number listed below. 

General Breastfeeding Information Links -  Ask Dr SearsKellymom.comThe ABC's of Breastfeeding

Skin-to-Skin - We recommend holding your baby skin-to-skin for at least the first 1-2 hours after birth. Skin-to-skin helps your baby adjust to his new world and gives you a wonderful time to bond with your baby. When you baby is held skin-to-skin they will begin searching for the breast and will often latch on by themselves. Holding your baby skin-to-skin throughout the time you are in the hospital will help your baby learn to breastfeed, make breastfeeding easier, and help you make more milk. For more information, visit the following links: The Magical HourImportance of Skin-to Skin

Latch and Positioning - How you position your baby and how your baby latches on to the breast is very important. A good position and latch will help prevent sore nipples, and help your baby breastfeed better, and get more milk. For a baby who is having a really hard time latching on, a more laid back position may help them to use some of their natural reflexes to latch on. If you are having trouble getting your baby to latch, please call a Lactation Consultant for help.

How to know your baby is getting enough - Many mothers will wonder if their baby is getting enough breast milk. There are ways you can tell your baby is getting enough. Many babies will lose weight in the 1st few days after birth but should be back to birth weight by 10-14 days. Your baby will want to eat often 8-10 times in 24 hours in the beginning. This helps them grow and also helps increase your milk supply. Watching your baby while feeding to make sure they are swallowing and keeping track of dirty diapers can help reassure you your baby is getting enough. Click the following links to learn more: breastfeeding video

Sore nipples and other breast concerns - Sore nipples is the number 1 reason women will quit breastfeeding before they planned to. If your nipples are sore it is important to find and fix the cause . The most common cause of sore nipples is a baby not latching on deeply enough to the breast. Refer to the information above for help in getting your baby latched more comfortably. If your nipples are cracked or bleeding, there are ways to help them heal. If breastfeeding is painful, please call a Lactation Consultant for help. You can click the following links to learn more about other common causes for sore nipples/breasts: mastitis and plugged ductsthrush

Returning work/school - For many mothers returning to work/school after the birth of their baby is very hard. How to continue breastfeeding and pumping while working is a concern many mothers will have. On March 23, 2010 federal laws were passed that requires all employers to give breastfeeding employees time and a place to pump for up to 1 year after the birth of their baby. Talk to your employer before you return to work so you know what to expect the first day and so your employer will know what you will need. The Department of Labor has developed a fact sheet which you can print and share with your employer so you both know your rights and responsibilities.

General information is available about at pumping and returning to work.

Pumping and storing breast milk - Not every breastfeeding mother will need a breast-pump. If you will be pumping your milk to use while you are away from your baby, it is important to choose the right pump for you. The fit of the flange (the part that goes against your breast) is also important so you can pump comfortably and remove the milk from your breast effectively. 

The amount of milk you get when you pump will depend on the age of your baby, how long it has been since you last emptied your breasts and the quality of the pump you are using. Using manual expression while pumping can help to empty the breast better. If you are concerned about the amount of milk you are getting, please contact a Lactation Consultant for help. Click the following links to learn more: breast milk storage guidelineshow to bottle feed the breastfed baby


Holmes County Health District (330) 674-5035              

Holmes County WIC (330) 674-8455 

WIC Peer Helper 330-674-8455 ext. 262

Raquel Miller, RN, IBCLC (330) 674-2684                      

Betsy Studer, RN, IBCLC (330) 837-0220

Wooster Community Hospital Lactation Consultants (330) 202-5567

Molli, Le Leche League Intl. : 440-655-3114

24 Hour Breastfeeding Hotline by Appalachian Breastfeeding Network: 888-588-3423

Links & Downloadable Resources

2600 Glen Drive, Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5035
Fax: (330) 674-2528
Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM