Falls Prevention Program

Falls Prevention (2)
The Holmes County

Falls Prevention Program

Working Together, Staying Active, Promoting Independence, PREVENTING FALLS

Preventing Falls in adults 60 and older

Why should I be concerned with Falls? Falls are an epidemic among our 60+ population and are the number one cause of injuries leading to ER visits, hospital stays and deaths in Ohioans age 65+. An older Ohioan is injured in a fall every two minutes on average, resulting in an emergency department visit every eight minutes, two hospitalizations per hour, and three deaths each day. Despite these statistics, older adults can take action now. Falls are NOT a natural part of the aging process and most falls are preventable. So, EMPOWER yourself with knowledge, ENGAGE yourself in life, and get EXCITED about where healthy living can lead you!

The Holmes County Falls Prevention Program is funded through a grant given by by the Ohio Dept. of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with a mission to work towards preventing falls among older Ohioans living in Holmes County.  Our vision is that older adults will have fewer falls and fall related injuries maximizing their independence and quality of life.

Check to see if you are at risk for falling by completing the online Falls Free CheckUp from the National Council on Aging, then contact Kerry if you have questions that have developed because of the Falls Free CheckUp.   (Chequeo Contra Caídas)

Empower yourself to stay in your home

Empower yourself with the knowledge of falls prevention through participating in a FREE home safety assessment provided by our staff or by completing a home safety self- assessment. This assessment is an educational service to promote falls awareness in and around the home. The Health District offers FREE home safety modification items to Holmes County residents 60 and older, which include: nightlights, tap lights, step stools, Yak Trax (ice traction device for winter wear shoes), reacher/grabbers, and contrasting carpet tape.

Engage in Falls Prevention Programming

By engaging your body in physical activity on a daily basis, you can develop the added strength, balance, and flexibility needed to prevent falls and/ or decrease serious injuries related to a fall.

Engage in Falls Prevention Programming

Tai Chi for Arthritis

The Holmes County General Health District offers Tai Chi for Arthritis which incorporates exercises that improve muscle strength, flexibility and fitness. The program also focuses on weight transference which improves balance and prevents falls. This course can be done seated as well as standing, and you don't have to have arthritis to participate! This class meets twice a week for 8 weeks. 

Engage in Falls Prevention Programming

Matter of Balance

The Health District offers Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls. This 8-week course meets once a week for 2 hours. It is an evidence-based program that educates older adults who have a fear of falling with tools that can aid in falls prevention. The course consists of book-work, small group discussions, and exercise. This course can be done in-person or virtually.

Engage in Falls Prevention Programming

Stepping On

The Health District also offers a course called Stepping On.  This 7-week course meeting once a week for 2 hours and offers older adults a way of reducing falls, while increasing self-confidence. The program incorporates a group setting with individualized follow-up, and includes an exercise component. This program can be done in-person or virtually.

Engage in Falls Prevention Programming


GeriFit is a 45- minute evidenced-based group strength training exercise class for older adults. The class meets twice a week for 8 weeks. The program works at increasing strength and balance, and help improve gait and flexibility. Participants work out with dumbbell weights and stretch bands. It is highly recommended as a falls prevention program. This program can be done in-person or virtually.

All of the programs that ENGAGE your body and mind are of NO COST to you! Please call Kerry MacQueen at the Health District for more details!


Falls are not a natural part of aging. So get excited about your life! Take charge of your own health by:

  1. Reviewing your medicines with a healthcare professional such as your doctor or pharmacist, since some medicines have side effect that can lead to falls.
  2. Having your vision and hearing checked each year, knowing your body can help you make needed changes to prevent falls.
  3. Making your home a safer place to live by having a Home Safety Assessment.
  4. Exercising daily in your own home or within the community.

The HCFPP has received two grants from the HealthPath Foundation of Ohio totaling over $15,000 to purchase outdoor fitness equipment. The fitness equipment is located at Deer Run Park in Millersburg.

You are a valuable part of the community and we want you to remain healthy, active, and falls free! 

Standing Against Falls Coalition 

The coalition works to increase public awareness of falls prevention through education, special programming. A Biennial Falls Prevention Survey is mailed to those 60 and over who use the Homestead Exemption tax. The survey consists of falls prevention and awareness. Results from the survey are reviewed and are used to help guide the Holmes County Falls Prevention Program (HCFPP) to meet the needs of the 60 and over population.

The HCFPP partners with local agencies and community members that have a commitment to the older Ohioans living in Holmes County. Those interested in becoming a part of the coalition, please contact Kerry at the Health District.

For more information on any of the above, please contact:

Kerry MacQueen, CTRS, Health Educator/ Injury Prevention Coordinator - kmacqueen@holmeshealth.org

Holmes County General Health District - 330-674-5035 Ext. 251

This work is funded either in whole or in part by a grant awarded by the Ohio Department of Health as a sub-award of a grant issued by Preventative Health and Health Services Block Grant under the Injury Prevention Program by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, grant award number 1 NB01OT009265-01-00

Holmes County is partnering with Steady U to help spread awareness about falls and how to prevent them. Click the link below to find out more about Steady U, and how injuries from falls effect our loved ones, and take a falls risk assessment.


Falls Prevention (5)

Links & Downloadable Resources

2600 Glen Drive, Millersburg, OH 44654
PO Box 272, Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5035
Fax: (330) 674-2528
Monday-Friday: 8:30AM-4:30PM